A sector of high impact such as ours, we are actively engaged in identifying and preventing all the potential negative impacts on the environment caused by our activities.
On the one hand, we have developed a specific strategy for the management and reduction of polluting emissions in order to combat climate change and encourage the transition to a low carbon society. On the other, we promote respect for the environmental context in which we operate, through policies targeted on the efficient use of water resources and the reduction of waste produced, as well as the prevention of possible toxic spills and, more in general, on the defence of biodiversity.
Operating as we often do in sensitive areas considered to be in “water stress”, we promote the efficient use of water resources, also through the reduction of waste and reuse of wastewater both at the level of HSE policy and at the operating level: we have put in place systems that signal any leaks in pipelines, in addition to developing routine maintenance plans of all our installations. Likewise, we have implemented system engineering solutions that permit the reuse of water after proper treatment, an activity that is fundamental to minimising our water consumption.
A key aspect in our environmental strategy, as well as in our concern with safety, is the prevention of possible hazardous spills and the management of the relative emergencies. We are committed, therefore, to identifying and monitoring all the possible risks connected with the storage, transportation and use of substances during our operations.
Thanks to our extensive experience, we are in the lead in the development of technologies capable of responding promptly to emergencies. We also organise training courses for all our employees relative to correct procedures for managing and limiting environmentally dangerous spills and thereby protecting the environment in which we operate.
With a view to limiting to a minimum the waste going to landfills or incinerators, we have drafted policies for the management of the waste we produce, providing for adequate training of the personnel and the development of targeted procedures for recycling it or reusing it as new material or as fuel. We have also undertaken to select suitable storage areas, where the impact will be minimal, and have replaced many hazardous waste with non-toxic alternatives, through a gradual modernisation of our operating technologies.