ML Developers for UK Client

The use of staff augmentation services to mobilize a dedicated ML development team brought several benefits to the client.

In recent years, the use of Machine Learning (ML) has become increasingly important in a wide range of industries. ML algorithms can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns, making it possible to automate complex processes and make better decisions. However, developing ML models requires specialized skills and expertise that can be difficult to find. Staff augmentation services can help companies to overcome this challenge by providing them with additional staff who have the skills and expertise needed to develop ML models. In this case study, we will take a look at how a client based in the United Kingdom was able to improve its ML development process by using staff augmentation services to mobilize a dedicated ML development team.


The client, a leading provider of healthcare services in the United Kingdom, was facing several challenges in its ML development process. One of the main issues was a shortage of skilled ML developers, which was hindering the company’s ability to develop new ML models and improve its existing ones. Additionally, the company had a large amount of data that needed to be analyzed in order to improve its healthcare services, but it lacked the expertise to do so.


To address these issues, the client decided to use staff augmentation services to mobilize a dedicated ML development team. The team was composed of experienced ML developers with a wide range of skills and expertise, including expertise in modern ML technologies such as TensorFlow, PyTorch and Keras. This allowed the company to fill its shortage of skilled ML developers and leverage the expertise of the team to analyze its large amount of data and improve its healthcare services.

The team was also able to work closely with the client’s in-house development team, allowing for smooth collaboration and communication. This was important as it helped to ensure that the ML development project was completed on time and within budget. Additionally, the team was able to work with the client’s stakeholders to understand their needs and deliver ML models that met their requirements.


The use of staff augmentation services to mobilize a dedicated ML development team brought several benefits to the client. One of the main benefits was that it allowed the company to fill its shortage of skilled ML developers and leverage the expertise of the team to analyze its large amount of data and improve its healthcare services. This helped the company to improve its ML development process and increase its competitiveness.

The team was also able to work closely with the client’s in-house development team, which helped to ensure that the ML development project was completed on time and within budget. This helped to improve the client’s bottom line by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Another benefit was that the staff augmentation services allowed the client to be more agile in its development process. With the dedicated ML development team in place, the client was able to quickly respond to changing market conditions and customer needs. This helped the client to remain competitive in the highly dynamic and ever-changing healthcare industry.


In recent years, the use of Machine Learning (ML) has become increasingly important in a wide range of industries. ML algorithms can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns, making it possible to automate complex processes and make better decisions. However, developing ML models requires specialized skills and expertise that can be difficult to find. Staff augmentation services can help companies to overcome this challenge by providing them with additional staff who have the skills and expertise needed to develop ML models. As this case study has shown, a client based in the United Kingdom was able to improve its ML development process by using staff augmentation services to mobilize a dedicated ML development team. The client was able to fill its shortage of skilled ML developers, leverage the expertise of the team to analyze its large amount of data and improve its healthcare services and work closely within house team.

Staff Augmentation

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